Navigate the Energy Transition with Confidence

Data-backed insights you can trust.

How We Help

Orennia is your all-in-one platform for accurate data, predictive analytics and actionable insights across the energy transition.

Your investment decisions need more than intuition to thrive. Orennia’s platform drives efficient, fast and accurate capital allocation decisions.

Accelerate earnings, increase returns and minimize risk. Our solution is unmatched in the renewables, energy transition and decarbonization space.

Connect with our team of industry experts to learn more.

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Fast, Accurate and Trustworthy Insights

Leverage industry-leading technology to stay ahead of the competition. Ion_AI integrates billions of data points and layers of analytics with Orennia’s expertise to help you make decisions at speed.

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Request a Platform Preview

Connect with our team for a guided tour of the leading energy transition analytics platform. See how we can empower your workflows.

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Expert Support

Get on the phone with Orennia's team to walk through your questions. We help you unpack market risks and ensure the entire team understands the factors behind each analysis.

Inmediate Insight

Stop waiting weeks for bespoke analysis. With robust data on hand, get a power price forecast in minutes. Make decisions today to stay ahead of shifting market dynamics.

Tired of forecasts based
on opinions, not data?

Take a data-driven approach. Leverage technology for reliable forecasts and negotiate with confidence.


of clients believe Orennia is supporting better capital allocation decisions.

Be more efficient with your time and money.

See how Orennia’s clients are having a tangible impact through deeper insights.

How we help?

Orennia’s customized analytics platform plus access to our industry experts provide your business with an unrivalled solution.

Get the insights you need. Orennia provides cleaned, normalized and tested data along with a team of industry experts who layer in commercial analytics. We save you time and money. It’s time to gain the advantage over your competitors.


Increase returns, reduce risk and develop projects faster with the most robust repository of renewable energy analytics. An all-in-one analytics solution to help you make more informed decisions.

Energy Transition

Orennia's analytics platform allows you to screen opportunities in renewable natural gas, biofuels, hydrogen and e-mobility in a fraction of the time. Detailed custom views helps you optimize your decisions.


Orennia provides a centralized source of data-driven models in the CCUS and carbon market sectors, along with a team of expert analysts. Simple decision making in a complex environment.

Webinar On Demand

An Analytical Roadmap to Evaluating Energy Storage Portfolios

How can you leverage data to evaluate your energy storage portfolio? Unlock industry-leading insights from our exclusive webinar featuring our VP, Matt Clenchy.

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Matt Clenchy

Vice President, Analytics

Make Orennia
informed decisions.

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