Bankable Power Forecasts Across the Entire US

0.1_ Zonal energy prices
0.2_ Nodal energy prices
0.3_ Capacity prices
0.4_ Ancillary services prices
0.5_ Renewable energy credits

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The Most Advanced Approach to Power Price Forecasts

Instant Benchmarking

Do your legacy forecasts have tunnel vision? With Orennia's immediate forecasts across the US, you can benchmark against other opportunities, projects and portfolios in just a few clicks.

Power price forecasts across the entire US

Defendable Forecasts

You can take our forecasts to the bank – literally. Don't get caught with unrealistic revenue projections that ignore the bigger picture. Negotiate the best financing terms with data-driven, accurate forecasts.


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Immediate Insight

Stop waiting weeks for bespoke analysis. With robust data on hand, get a power price forecast in minutes. Make decisions today to stay ahead of shifting market dynamics.


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Expert Support

Break out of the black box. Get on the phone with Orennia's team the same day to walk through the analysis. We help you unpack market risks. Ensure the entire project finance team understands the factors behind each analysis.

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Case Study

Explore how Orennia helped a storage developer and its tax equity investor align on financing with transparent insights.

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