Top Power Generator in Every State and Province

Map of the top power producers in every state and province in Canada and the USA

Unlike many commodity industries, where large firms grow universally, the large power producers today are often rooted in decades of history.

  • Hydro-Québec: Founded in 1944 to develop Quebec's hydroelectric potential, it grew rapidly in the 1960s and is now Canada's largest electricity producer and a major exporter of power the US.
  • PG&E: Tracing its roots back to the California gold rush in 1852, the utility was later established in 1905 to provide gas and electricity to local Californians. PG&E expanded through acquisitions and investments to become one of California's largest utilities.
  • Duke Energy: Starting in 1904 as a small hydroelectric company in the Carolinas, Duke Energy expanded to become one of the largest power utilities in the US.

Some of the largest power companies did expand out significantly. The company started out as the Florida Power & Light Company in 1925, providing key services in Florida. Over the years, the company grew and eventually but rebranded as NextEra in 2010, and at one point briefly overtook Exxon as the most valuable US energy company.

Dashboard Access for Orennia Clients: Power Projects

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